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Site Context

Site Context: Text

Site Development and Context

The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan outlines that over the next 20 years, Gainsborough will deliver 4,435 new homes, much of which will be delivered through Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUE's). The Gainsborough Northern SUE is pivotal to achieving this housing target and is allocated for 2,500 homes, a new local centre, employment land, open space and education provision. 

The first phase of the SUE, located to the north of Gainsborough, north east of Highfields Roundabout and served from Corringham Road, will provide approximately 750 new homes over the plan period, on 50 acres of green field land. This phase of development comprises of Phase 1A, 1B, and 2, and already benefits from outline planning permission (ref: 136937), granted in October 2017.

This application represents Phase 1A of development which will see the development of 130 residential units and areas of open space. Phase 1A is approximately 14.7 acres, located in the district of West Lindsey, north west of the city of Lincoln. It currently comprises open land with hedgerow boundaries and a number of mature trees which run parallel to the Public Right of Way which crosses through the centre of the site. 

The site is adjoined by agricultural fields to the north and east, and to the immediate west lies the Gainsborough Academy. Beyond Sweyn Lane to the south-west of the site is Highfield Grange (a Grade II Listed Farmhouse) and its associated grounds. The residences of Belt Farm and Meadowcroft can also be found to the north east, and east respectively. The south-east boundary of the site borders with the Somerby Park Industrial Estate which can be accessed via Miller Road.​


Gainsborough is home to a number of local amenities including primary and secondary schools, a pharmacy, supermarkets and convenience stores, a leisure centre, cricket ground, and golf course. Marshalls Yard, a district shopping centre with a number of retail and leisure outlets is located within walking distance of the site as well as Gainsborough Central Train Station. 

The nearest employment area is located to the south east of the site at Somerby Park Industrial Estate, which is occupied by a mix of industrial and commercial premises, and can be accessed on foot in under 10 minutes from the site.

Site Context: Services
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