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Proposed Development

Proposed Development: Text

Revised Layout

The revised layout features 131 dwellings, comprising 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed homes in a range of sizes and styles to meet local housing needs.

Access into the site will be via a single access point from Mansfield Road. A tree-lined green link will run east to west across the site, linking the area of public open space and play area at the east of the site to a potential footpath connection to the land to the west.  The majority of the dwellings will be located on smaller cul-de-sacs  creating smaller development parcels of outward facing perimeter blocks. 

Following comments made since the initial submission, the layout now responds more effectively to the topography of the site, ensuring that separation distances are maximised, and frontage parking is reduced.

In total, approximately 7900 sqm of public open space will be provided at the site, exceeding local planning policy requirements, and this will include the provision of a play area to the south east of the site. 

The inclusion of grass verges, street trees, attractive landscaping and varied building materials will provide an attractive development which responds to the local context.

Proposed Development: About

Wider Allocation Masterplan

In accordance with RMBC's Sites and Policies document, a masterplan for the development of the allocation as a whole will be submitted with the revised plans. 

The masterplan drawing above shows how the land to the west of our application site could be developed to provide around 25 dwellings and 4.65 hectares of employment development as set out in the Council's Sites and Policies Document. This adjacent development could be served by two separate access points from Mansfield Road.

Proposed Development: About
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