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Planning Context

Planning Context: Text

Site Allocation


The site forms part of a wider mixed use allocation (reference: MU22) within the Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) Local Plan Sites and Policies document. It is allocated for approximately 150 dwellings and 4.65ha of employment land. 

The principle of residential development at this site has therefore already been established and the Council is relying on the development of this site to help meet its identified housing need.

Initial Submission


The initial application (ref: RB2019/1932) was submitted in December 2019, proposing the development of 155 dwellings (including access, associated infrastructure, landscaping, public open space & parking).

Since the application was submitted in December 2019, discussions with Council officers have been ongoing in regard to the design and layout of the proposal. Therefore, this resubmission responds to the feedback given by officers and consultees and includes a revised site layout with amended design details, density, house types and landscaping.

The resubmission also reflects any revisions in local and national planning policy since the initial submission, ensuring that the proposal remains compliant with the latest local and national planning policies. An updated suite of technical documents will be provided with the resubmission.

Planning Context: Services
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